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Regular Expressions (RegEx) Cheat Sheet
... By Markus Fleschutz 🕑 May 05, 2020
^ start of string or start of line
$ end of string or end of line
\b word boundary
\B not word boundary
\< start of word
\> end of word
Matching Characters
. any character except newline
[abc] any of these characters
[^abc] none of these characters
[a-z] any character in this range
[*a-z] not a character in this range
\d \D any digit / any character except a digit
\w \W any word / any character except a word
\s \S any white space / any character except white space
\c any control character
\x any hexadecimal digit
\O any octal digit
\n matches newline
\r matches carriage return
\t matches tab
\v matches vertical tab
\f matches form feed
\xxx matches octal character xxx
\xhh matches hex character hh
Matching Words
ab?c matches zero or one time, e.g. abc, ab7c
ab*c matches zero or more times, e.g. abc, ab123c
a{3} matches n times exactly, e.g. aaa
a{3,5} matches from n to m times, e.g. aaa, aaaa, aaaaa
a{n,} matches at least n times
abc|def matches abc or def